Anjie C. Nkweti
3 min readMay 11, 2020

Short Story

The longest minute of my life was watching my crush kiss someone else. The way Mathew looked at Dione; Colgate advert smile with his perfect dentition. That should have been me. Now I had to painfully watch from the high table as his guest of honour at his wedding reception. He had insisted that that was my position as his best friend. If only he knew that he was giving me front the row seat to watch my heart being ripped out.

“Ika!” I heard my name. I’d zooned out; I didn’t notice Elmo, Mathew’s younger brother extending the microphone to me.

“Ika, would you like to say something about your relationship with Mathew?” relationship! Exactly the word I did not want to hear. I started to shake my head but I’d already attracted curious stares with my odd behavior.

“em..Matt..Mathew” I saw a tiny frown cross Mathew’s face; he knew I was not intimidated by crowds, why was I stuttering?.Ika, pull yourself together!

“Matt and I, we’ve been best friends since..since class one primary school St Mary’s Tiko. One day in class, a boy seized my armboard and Matt found me trying to pull it away from him. He joined me and we both tried but the boy was clearly bigger than us; the boy beat us well and we cried all the way home” the crowd laughed, I took a deep breathe.

“We both went to the same secondary schools and then he traveled to the UK for his medicine program. Even the, we’ve talked almost every day for the last seven years. Then how did he have time to meet Dione until they are getting married?

“The truth is, I’ve always loved you Matt..I mean..” Ika, did you just say that loud! Oh God! Too late, the audience was cheering. I looked at Mathew he was laughing and clapping along “I love you too Ikz!” he shouted.

I love you too Matt.. i almost screamed even that.

“So I wish you both a long happy married life” I shoved the microphone in Elmo’s face before I said another word.

By the end of the ceremony, I had convinced myself that Mathew and I could still be friends. Just when they entered the vehicle to leave, the car door opened and Dione stepped out. Bunching her wedding gown with one hand, she half walked, half ran towards me. I felt cold in my legs. Soon she was in front of me.

Dione gave me a wide gap- toothed grin and kissed my cheek. Perhaps it was a peace offering for my confession earlier. She’s so sweet! I thought. Then she whispered.

“I guess you’re smart enough to know who is the luckiest of both of us” my mouth was still hanging open by the time their car drove off.

the pressures that come with waiting even when your love is not returned

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Anjie C. Nkweti

Cameroonian writer/i freeze words in time like a bouquet of beautifully wrapped memories.