Ika, must face the music but maybe, there’s another melody

Anjie C. Nkweti
3 min readMay 21, 2020

“I’m dying, please come and get me.”

I was gasping for air at the hotel lobby after ignoring the elevator to race down 7 flights of stairs.

For the second time in two days, Elmo was on his way…

“Just drive, I need air” I banged the dashboard.

We took off and were soon speeding across the Wouri Bridge.

“Drop me here”

“On the bridge? No way Ika.”

I ignored the concern in his eyes.

“Ika, I am not letting you out of this car unto the Wouri bridge in this condition. You’ve still not told me what’s wrong! You called me on a Sunday morning and I came running out of church! As I’ve run out of many places for you. What were you doing at Mathew’s honeymoon suite?”

I reached for the door handle. He automatically blocked the car. I felt trapped and that’s when I lost in. I took off one of my shoes and started hitting window glass. Why was this not breaking?

“Ika, stop!”

I turned towards him and began hitting him with the shoe

“You can’t trap me anymore! Let me out!!!”

“Ika, stop! I’m driving” his one hand on the steering wheel maneuvered through the traffic while his other hand blocked my shoe assault.

“I’ll open the door but..” I paused

“but you’ll wait right here and take your phone with you. I’m going to to park the car and come right back” I stared blankly.

“Ika, are you listening? If you don’t respond, I will not open the door” I nodded. He unlocked the door. I stepped out and crossed the road to the pedestrian path. As Elmo drove off, I felt a different kind of abandonment. I bend over the barrier and screamed into the water.

weh! Une belle fille comme ça, elle est devenue folle” I heard passers-by whisper. I had joined the ranks of people who ran mad in Douala maybe due to the scorching sun, joblessness or love matters like mine. Staring at ripples in the water, I wanted to dive inside and never come out. It was starting to sound like a good idea. I had messed up my life; Mathew was never going to be mine. They were probably going to reconcile and I’ll still be left out.

My phone buzzed. I didn’t want to check. It was getting annoying. I saw three missed calls from Elmo, and then a text message came in;

Ika, I’m on my way back, don’t do anything crazy

Another text..

Ika, you’re beautiful, you’re smart and you’re too precious to settle for less.

Your life is just starting, let nothing and no one make you feel like you’ve messed it up that you don’t have another shot.

I believe in you more than you know.

I love you so much

As I read the last line, I spotted Elmo crossing the road to my side.

“Your text messages?” I was puzzled

“I meant every word Ika.”

“You say you love me? But you don’t know what I’ve done”

“I do, I called Mathew. ”

I lowered my head in guilt. I didn’t want to see the condemnation in his eyes.

He placed his finger under my chin and raised my head. Our eyes met.

“I have loved you for so long; I don’t think anything will ever change that”

It was like I was seeing this Elmo for the first time. This was the man who’d always been there. While I’d pinned over Mathew, he’d shown up for all occasions.

“Elmo, my heart is hurting right now and I don’t know if..”

“Ika, I've been holding on for you, i can hold on a little longer”

We sat down on the concrete. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“Hey, how come you got out of the traffic so fast anyway?”

“I gave the car to a bike man to work his money and i took his bike. He’ll call me when he’s done ”

“What if he doesn’t bring it back?”

“Then I’ve made one bike man rich”

We laughed.




Anjie C. Nkweti

Cameroonian writer/i freeze words in time like a bouquet of beautifully wrapped memories.