
poem: When we lose our grip on predictability, someone else has the wheel

Anjie C. Nkweti
2 min readAug 10, 2020
Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash


That’s what I give you

This innate obsessive desire to know

The next step, next move, next hour

So me and you, we’re fighting at the steering wheel

Your hand swerving it to the left and I to the right


That’s what I’m giving you lord

Daring to be okay with not being okay

My heart racing at the thought of surprise

What am i if i’m not in


That’s the word that has kept me in the past,

Made me feel stronger and empowered

Now I’m just supposed to let go?

I’m just supposed to trust you?


Maybe I’m projecting man’s failures on you

That I’ve trusted them and they’ve failed me

I’ve given men my heart and they’ve stomped on it

Now I’m a guarded wall, in control


I say to myself, of course you’re in control

But help! This is feels out of control

Wait a minute, maybe its cuz I’m driving

Yeah, I’m a terrible driver

So lord

I give you control

Trusting you like when I sit on a bike and close my eyes

Trusting you like falling backwards knowing you’ll catch me

Trusting you like a babe in the air knowing will catch her

Trusting you not because you’re my last option but because,

You’re my best option.

Cuz see, if I said I didn’t have a choice but to trust you, that’s control

But you don’t control me.

You give me the choice

So I choose to trust you

Waiving my rights

To give you control



Anjie C. Nkweti

Cameroonian writer/i freeze words in time like a bouquet of beautifully wrapped memories.