City: Yaounde

Anjie C. Nkweti
1 min readJul 14, 2020


Sleep while she's still for when she wakes
She's a gaping hole for the lazy
No time for sleep, keep busy
She's the traffic that curves like a serpent
The mansion for kings, carabot for servants
She's the the kaki mbere with 500frs
The taxi drivers asking for another chance
She's the booze of Friday nights
Bikutsi music booming left and right
She's the street child asking for a coin
The village Johnny just come who will desperately join
The street hustlers running beside vehicle windows
The pick pocket at avenue Kennedy preparing for the show
So sleep when she sleeps
Cuz your peace is yours to keep



Anjie C. Nkweti

Cameroonian writer/i freeze words in time like a bouquet of beautifully wrapped memories.